Science experiments are such a fun way to gather the family and open up some pretty awesome thoughts. By using simple materials you can perform experiments that your kids will love. This week for Family Night Activities, your family is going to enjoy a simple, yet truly amazing science experiment. So, let’s get started!!
Floating Egg You Say
Materials needed (per child if preferred)
- 1 egg
- ½ cup of salt
- Large clear container
- Measuring cups
- Spoon
Gather all the materials onto the table. Explain to the children that just with these items you will be able to make this egg float. First carefully drop the egg into the water and watch it drop to the bottom. Then have each child then measure, pour and stir the ingredients as follows. Start by measuring 1 cup of water and mix the ½ cup of salt into it. Pour the salty mixture into the clear pitcher. Take another cup of fresh water and slowly pour that into the pitcher. The salty water and the fresh water actually will stay separate, though you won’t be able to see the separate layers. When the water is calm in the pitcher drop the egg gently in. The egg should float in the middle of the pitcher. Don’t be discouraged if the experiment doesn’t work the first time. This can be a great lesson for the kids (and parents) to keep trying. If it does not work, then have the kids see how much salt they think they will need to make the egg float. Keep doing the experiment until you succeed.
Adding salt to the water squishes more molecules into the water. This makes the water denser than the egg and it floats. When there was no salt in the water, the egg is denser than the water and it sinks. If you weigh a cup of salt water and a cup of fresh water, the saltwater will weigh more than the fresh water even though it is taking up the same amount of space.
Let the kids design their own experiment. Would sugar dissolved in water make an egg float? How about soap or oil? Have the children make a prediction and then test it out.
There are some great science projects that can really get your kids attention. Science in a Bottle is very good example with a variety of experiments for elementary age and above. You can click here for
10 Fun Science Project Resources. Another very good source for science projects and hobby crafts is found on our Resource Page at Family Night Activities.
Suggested Conversation Starter (these are just ideas and can be altered depending on the ages or developmental stages of your kids)
1. Science is such an amazing area of study and it can really be a catalyst for young minds. Talk to the kids about the great minds of science like Albert Einstein, Newton, etc. You can talk to them about Albert Schweitzer and his quest to help others through medicine. How Isaac Newton figured how we stay put on earth. Use this time to have a great discussion about these great and other great minds of science.
2. Remind the children that anyone can achieve great and lasting things. Discuss openly with each child on what you see as their strengths. Encourage them to read up on some of the great scientists. Be available to answer their questions. Don’t worry if you don’t have the answer. You can both find the answer together. You will be amazed on the positive results.
Suggested Movie Titles
Meet the Robinsons
The Absent-Minded Professor
Apollo 13 (PG)
These movies are just suggestions. If you would like additional information about the story or the content, you can visit
Who Was Albert Einstein? by Jess Brallier
The Value of Dedication: The Story of Albert Schweitzer by Spencer Johnson
Isaac Newton and Physics for Kids by Kerrie Logan Hollihan mission is to provide high quality, family friendly activities
We promise to make your time together meaningful with family friendly activities
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